Consuming Careers
Consuming Careers
CC 15 | Chris Schramm and His Trade of a Lifetime
Have you ever thought of trading in your career to pursue a lifetime dream? I’m sure we all have at one time or another. On this weeks’ episode of Consuming Careers we’re sitting down with Chris Schramm who, along with his wife Renee, traded in his lucrative career and comfortable suburban lifestyle for a 52 foot yacht, and has been sailing the world for the past 3 years. Do you have a vision for a different career path or lifestyle shift? Could you be persuaded to make that trade… to burn the ships? Join my conversation with Chris and find out.
You can follow Chris and Renee Schramm on social media at:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SVOceanaire
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailing_the_oceanaire/
For more info on Normal40 and “The Trade” by Lon Stroschein:
- https://www.normal40.com/
- “The Trade” on Amazon: https://a.co/d/fo4n5k7
Interview recorded live at Mellow Mushroom in Suwannee, Georgia. You can find out more and all their locations at: https://www.mellowmushroom.com/
About Bruce Smith: Over the past 40 years, I’ve covered a lot of ground in my career: white collar, blue collar, college drop-out, college graduate, practicing CPA, multiple business owner, elected official, recruiter and career consultant. Each chapter has equipped me to better help others navigate their career decisions and has fueled my passion to help people find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in the work they do.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucewsmith/
You can email at: bwsmith126@gmail.com