Consuming Careers
On Consuming Careers, we explore the careers of people from many walks of life, all of whom have taken rather unique paths, and we're digging into where they find purpose, what fuels their passion, and how they've persevered in the face of profound opposition. And to keep things real, each interview is recorded live over food or drink in a restaurant, pub, café, around a firepit, or even on a boat in the middle of a lake. Work and food: you just can’t have one without the other!
Our hope is that you’ll find this podcast inspiring, entertaining, and that you’ll find some valuable principles that you can apply in your career. From missionaries to moguls, and carnitas to Cabernet - we hope you'll join our next episode of Consuming Careers!
Podcasting since 2023 • 33 episodes
Consuming Careers
Latest Episodes
CC 32 | David Guthrie: Making Every Breath Count
This week I was truly fortunate to meet with David Guthrie, an extremely successful technology executive, who has built and enjoyed the sale of multiple tech companies, worked in venture capital, continues to serve on multiple boards, holds ...
Episode 32

CC 31 | Forgot2Ask with Chris Schramm
We circle back with Chris Schramm who we interviewed in episode 15 with one question I Forgot2Ask.
Episode 31

CC 30 | Andy Cook: Helping Bring Kids Home at Promise686
Did you know that there are approximately 400,000 children in the foster care system in the U.S. alone, but many children age-out of foster care without a permanent or lasting sense of family? This week on Consuming Careers, we’re meeting wi...
Episode 30

CC 29 | Forgot2Ask with Laurie Gray
We circle back with Laurie Gray who we interviewed in episode 21 with one question I Forgot2Ask.
Episode 29

CC 28 | Mar Kushner: Survive to Thrive One Step at a Time
In this episode of Consuming Careers, we’re meeting with Mar Kushner. Now, you’ve probably never heard of Mar Kushner, but I’ve been working with Mar for the last 4 years, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago that I got a chance to hear her inspi...
Episode 28

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