Consuming Careers
Consuming Careers
CC 32 | David Guthrie: Making Every Breath Count
This week I was truly fortunate to meet with David Guthrie, an extremely successful technology executive, who has built and enjoyed the sale of multiple tech companies, worked in venture capital, continues to serve on multiple boards, holds 20 patents, has been married for 33 yrs and has 5 amazing children. Sounds like a charmed life, right? Well, not so fast. David’s life might be better described as a miraculous 57-year mountain climb without a rope. You see, David was born with Cystic Fibrosis, which has significantly impacted his lungs and digestion, so he has literally been living one breath at a time. His is a remarkable story of perseverance, sharing why he still goes to work every day, and where he finds the fuel to put one foot in front of the other. I think you’ll find his story both encouraging and a timely kick in the pants.
You can find David Guthrie at https://www.guthrietech.com/; or on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidguthrie/; or email at: david@lydiasjoy.com or david@repay.com.
Our interview was recorded live OKCafe in Atlanta, Georgia: https://www.okcafe.com/
About Bruce Smith: Over the past 40 years, I’ve covered a lot of ground in my career: white collar, blue collar, college drop-out, college graduate, practicing CPA, multiple business owner, elected official, recruiter and career consultant. Each chapter has equipped me to better help others navigate their career decisions and has fueled my passion to help people find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in the work they do.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucewsmith/
You can email at: bwsmith126@gmail.com