Consuming Careers
Consuming Careers
CC 16 | Paul Masters: Accidental Entrepreneur, Franchise Owner, and Executive Coach
Entrepreneurship often comes in many flavors: and some people thrust themselves into it, and others have it thrust upon them. This week on Consuming Careers, I’m meeting with Paul Masters, who fell “accidentally” into a lifelong career of entrepreneurship, and learned that it was exactly where he needed to be. Not without his fair share of challenges, Paul grew his passion for leading his own business into a platform for coaching others so that they could build legacies of success in their own lives.
You can connect with Paul Masters at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulmastersatlanta/
For more information on Perissos Executive Coaching: https://www.perissosleader.com/
“Chazown: Discover and Pursue God's Purpose for Your Life” by Craig Greoschel: https://a.co/d/0hGC16e
Interview recorded live at The Crossing Steakhouse in Historic Norcross, Georgia. You can find them at: https://www.thecrossingofnorcross.com/
About Bruce Smith: Over the past 40 years, I’ve covered a lot of ground in my career: white collar, blue collar, college drop-out, college graduate, practicing CPA, multiple business owner, elected official, recruiter and career consultant. Each chapter has equipped me to better help others navigate their career decisions and has fueled my passion to help people find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in the work they do.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucewsmith/
You can email at: bwsmith126@gmail.com