Consuming Careers
Consuming Careers
CC 28 | Mar Kushner: Survive to Thrive One Step at a Time
In this episode of Consuming Careers, we’re meeting with Mar Kushner. Now, you’ve probably never heard of Mar Kushner, but I’ve been working with Mar for the last 4 years, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago that I got a chance to hear her inspiring story of perseverance. Raised in Pakistan, a casualty of an arranged marriage that brought her to the US and into an abusive relationship, escaping back to Pakistan into cultural isolation due to her divorce, and ultimately a last chance opportunity to start over alone in the US with a plane ticket, an education, and just $300 in her pocket. Although you might hear from Mar an unassuming tone of modesty or diffidence, I suspect it is more likely a veneer of quiet confidence that covers her raw determination and steadfast grit.
I think you’ll be encouraged by Mar’s story, and you probably won’t forget her name anytime soon.
You can find Mar Kushner on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mar-kushner-83977146/
Our interview was recorded live at the offices of RGP in Atlanta, Georgia: www.rgp.com
About Bruce Smith: Over the past 40 years, I’ve covered a lot of ground in my career: white collar, blue collar, college drop-out, college graduate, practicing CPA, multiple business owner, elected official, recruiter and career consultant. Each chapter has equipped me to better help others navigate their career decisions and has fueled my passion to help people find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in the work they do.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucewsmith/
You can email at: bwsmith126@gmail.com